About Us

Our Story

A bit about us and how and why we started

Sweet N Sassy Delights…

First of all the team from Sweet N Sassy Delights would like to say hello and thankyou for coming to our page and for your support…

We work from home and all our products are handmade with love and quality ingredients from my eldest daughter and myself sometimes my 3 sons help to, but most of the time they help by watching my little ones and granddaughter.

Sweet N Sassy Delights started with me wanting to bring all my favourite things together and create flare and happiness with a little fragrance to bring happiness to others.


Being a single mother of 4 and then having a surprise in 2019 of the blessing of my twin girls, then finding out my mum had cancer. I knew I wanted to do something for others while working from home, reality hit that I wouldn’t be able to return to work nor could I afford day care as a single mum so I decided to make the plunge in the end of  2019 to start my own business, then my eldest daughter gave me a beautiful granddaughter in 2020 and understood that its the little things that matter and has helped me since bringing sparkle, smiles and sassy fragrances to others.

In 2021, one of my twins started to show signs of something was wrong, she would fall and hurt herself a lot, she didn’t seem to notice the stairs but tried walking off the ledge and she wasn’t talking like her twin sister then behaviours started changing like chewing everything I mean everything, flapping her hands and crying uncontrollably for long lengths of time and at times the only person that could calm her was her oldest brother. No matter how much I tried. Dr appointments after Dr’s appointments knowing something was wrong to be told it’s all OK. I had her ears and eyes tested everything was fine. I persisted and came across a paediatrician that finally i thought took notice and told me to get a report from different specialists including speech, physio therapy, and occupational therapy. And he would put a referral out for these in the public health system. Months and months went by but I didn’t hear anything. So we pushed our little business some more and went to local markets and advertised as much as we could to raise money so she could get the reports and help that she needed. With your help and some family we were able to get these reports and a few therapies for her.

I was then seen by another paediatric doctor this is almost a year later with all her reports they done a few more tests and concluded she was globally delayed, non verbal and has cerebral palsy with autism and sensory processing disorder so this paediatrician helped me apply for Ndis along with lifestart in the mean time I relied on all of you and family to help me through this not only financially for her therapies but to continue for my own mental health to stay focused and work on more recipes to get us were we are today and keep motivated when all else feels like its falling apart.

Ndis has now been approved for certain therapies thankfully so occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy have been granted, and she has started regular therapies. Although behavioural therapy and exercises like swimming lessons to help build her low muscle tone is not included but still needed.

For the last 3 years my mum was a  strong soldier that still had a love for life and an inspiration to not only my family and I, but to many in her community. She faced her battles and pushed on for those that have had close ones with this awful disease Cancer knows how awful this disease is to the point it takes over the body. One thing I can say is she had a work ethic like no one I know while she she was well but sadly lost her battle in July 2021, as a single mum and a family of 6 children we faced all this in such short time but had you all so we had something positive to focus on and we came up with more and more recipies and fine tuned them to bring them to you. Mum I hope I can make you proud. I know your favourite was  the Kakadu Plum Roll on perfume 😘😍.

So we continue to aim to deliver quality and handmade products with a range of desired scents, at affordable prices that will last.

Our sassy treats range from carpet freshener, fragrance bags, and soy wax melts that will leave a delightful scent of your choice with over 200 fragrances to choose from.

We have our natural soaps that are chemical, colour, and fragrance free and suitable for sensitive skin as well as our scented doughnut soaps and our Roll on perfumes along with our sinus relief and shower vapour steamers.

We also have a range of delightful organic edible dried herbs and flowers that are great for art works, baking, and teas.

We test everything we make and if it isn’t good enough for our home or our children with sensitive skin or safe for an active household with young ones and animals then it doesn’t get advertised for sale.

I wanted to say thankyou for your support and want you to enjoy your sweet sassy delights so much that you keep coming back to us…

Thankyou 😘😘

Our sassy treats range from carpet freshener, fragrant bags, and soy wax melts that will leave a delightful scent to your home office or car. We have our natural soaps that are chemical, colour, and fragrance free from the highest quality of ingredients available and suitable for sensitive skin. We also have a range of delightful dried herbs and flowers that are great for art works, baking, and teas. We test everything we make and if it isn’t good enough for our home or our children with sensitive skin or our animals then it doesn’t get advertised for sale. We want you to enjoy your sweet sassy delights so much that you keep coming back to us…

Interested? Check Out Our Collection!

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